“After a year of studying the situation of educational side in the city of KIRKUK –IRAQ , we decided to start from the new generation for providing best way of educational system.  

In a way to develop the education method in Iraq specially in Kirkuk city we are proud that one of the best educational system in world - The Finnish education system –has taken place   in training our staff teachers and admins in our new foundation and that was represented by Liikuttavaa.

We would like to thank Ulla very much for showing here interest and travel to KIRKUK for training the staff of our Kindergarten ( Little hands kindergarten ).

So we are highly recommend Liikuttavaa . for developing the educational part and using best system which is Finnish educational system for best skills of teaching.

Ulla is really a serious person in her goals and care about insuring that giving all what its need to prepare the staff to be ready for their duties and be active like unstoppable wheel of giving and teaching depending on what they learned and working as a team work and keeping in touch to stay updated in a cooperation with Liikuttavaa.”

Bsc. Eng. 

Ammar Nawzad 


"Asiantuntijan työssä Vincitillä korostuu vapaus ja itsensä johtaminen. Vapaus ei aina kuitenkaan tuo tehokkuutta, oman tekemisen suunnittelu kaipaa harjaantumista ja itsekuria. Sain työkaluja oman motivaation hallintaan, joka on ennen ollut minulle salatiedettä. Hyvän pomon alaisuudessa on helpompi kukoistaa. Valmennus inspiroi ja rohkaisi minua olemaan parempi sellainen - itselleni. 

Kiitos vielä kerran!”


Emma Loikkanen, Vincit Oy

Vincit - Great Place To Work Finland 

1.sija 2014-2016



"Työtilanteeni oli pitkään ollut todella hektinen ja elämässäni oli tapahtunut paljon muutoksia viimeisen vuoden ajalla. Coachauksen avulla koen saaneeni apuja saada raskas tilanne haltuun ja selvemmän kuvan siitä, mitä työelämältä haluan ja miten näitä asioita voin saavuttaa. Sisältö muodostui keskustelujen perusteella vastaamaan sen hetkisiä tarpeitani. Coachauksesta sain erityisesti kaipaamaani jämäkkyyttä ja suunnitelmallisuutta toimintaani ja itsevarmuutta työntekijänä. Omaan toimintaan vaikuttavien seikkojen tiedostaminen ja asioiden tarkastelu itselle uudesta näkökulmasta herätti myös tervettä kriittisyyttä toimintatapoihin jotka vaikuttavat työn tekemiseen ja viihtymiseen työpaikalla."


Antti Tolppanen, Vincit Oy

Vincit - Great Place To Work Finland 

1.sija 2014-2016



”Kuulin hyvää coachauksesta Ullalla käyneiltä kollegoilta. Olin ajatellut, että työskentelytaidoissani saattaisi olla sparrattavaa, koska työstä kertyi stressiä. Päätin testata coachausta. Coachaustapaamiset Ullan kanssa laittoivat minussa liikkeelle muutosprosessin usealla eri osa-alueella. Minulla ei useinkaan ollut ennen tapaamista selkeää ajatusta puheenaiheista. Ullan kanssa jutellessa esiin nousi kuitenkin monia erilaisia, juuri minulle tärkeitä asioita. Käsittelimme muun muassa sosiaalisia suhteita työyhteisössä, asioihin suhtautumistapaa sekä fyysistä liikuntaa. Oli yllätys itsellenikin, kuinka tärkeä osa-alue sosiaaliset suhteet olivat. Ulla auttoi minua vapautumaan ja arvostamaan itseäni osana työyhteisöä. Coachauksen aikana tehty motivaatiotekijöiden kartoitus ansaitsee myös erityismaininnan. Kartoituksen tulokset auttoivat minua suhtautumaan asioihin asioina keskittymättä liikaa toisen osapuolen reaktioihin. Olen jopa yllättynyt siitä hyvästä fiiliksestä, jonka Ullan coachaus-tapaamiset jättivät jälkeensä.”


Ilkka Herrala, Vincit Oy

Vincit - Great Place To Work Finland 

1.sija 2014-2016

“I was initially impressed with Ulla Sirviö-Hyttinen’s enthusiasm, communication skills and professional demeanor when I worked with her at Hirundo Day Center for the first time. During the time and sessions spent together at work, she consistently demonstrated all of these qualities and more, and I heartily endorse her for any individual and group coaching and team developments of any kind.

Ulla is reliable, dedicated and eternally upbeat. Her ability to calm angry or frustrated customers is unparalleled, and it is because of her excellence in her expertise with difficult teams and or individuals like me. She consistently met or surpassed all expectations that I had in regards of my personal development as a new team leader here in Hirundo Day Center.

Of particular value to me as a team leader and Hirundo’s operational manager is that Ulla is enthusiastic and embraces of change, ability to work with minimal information and difficult client. Organized and diligent, Ulla quickly learned the team dynamics and what was needed to succeed at improving the team and me most of all.

Ulla is hardworking, top-performing personal coach and a professional. She has my highest recommendation, and I am happy to furnish more details if you would like additional information.”

Borislav Borisov

Team Leader

Hirundo Day Center

Few years ago we decided to introduce The Lions Quest program more thoroughly in Estonia. Since we don’t have a certified LQ trainer we asked for the help of our good partners from Lions Quest Finland.

It was nice to realize that the spirit of helping is deeply ingrained in our movement and our good friend Ulla Sirviö-Hyttinen was more than happy to support and help us in our endeavours and not only by counseling us but by a personal contribution being the leading trainer in our autumn training seminar. Thanks to Ullas professionalism and preparation, the training was a huge success. We amassed a trove of new and valuable experiences and our collaboration is on a whole new level thanks to it. We have agreed upon a future action plan where Ulla Sirviö-Hyttinen has a big role in training our own LQ trainer.

We believe that thanks to such a competent trainer we will get the best quality preparation to fully introduce LQ program in Estonia.


Raivo Kokser

LQ country director

D-120 Estonia

We just wanted to say a big ‘thank you’ for the training, time and commitment your Company gave to our project in Erbil (North of Iraq) in 2017. From the initial planning stages right through to its completion, the works were carried out in a professional, efficient and timely manner.

We can confidently recommend your Company and look forward to working with you and your colleagues on future educational projects.

Kindest Regards

AlKhansaa AlKhalil


Little Village School

“I would like to thank you for dates 29.-31.7.2019, well organized 3-days teacher training in Kirkuk Iraq. The training material was very interesting and the educational discussions were truly inspiring. I particularly enjoyed the visual illustrations, which made the content easily understandable.

Please thank on my behalf everyone in your company Liikuttavaa Lyd. who was involved in the preparation and execution of the training. You have all done a wonderful job. I look forward to attend future trainings given the opportunity.”


Gelas Nawzad,

Primary school teacher in Iraq

“We are a Finnish school in Erbil; the first school in Iraq adopting the Finnish way in teaching which depends on learning by doing.

We have trained our staff on the fundamentals and strategies of Finnish education held by Liikuttavaa Company.

We would like to thank the trainer Ulla Sirviö-Hyttinen for her interest and her travel to Erbil to train our staff (Finnish international School in Kurdistan's staff).

So we highly recommend Liikuttavaa, for developing the educational part and using the best system which is the Finnish educational system for the best skills of teaching.

Mrs. Ulla is really a serious person in her goals and care about insuring that giving all what it is need to prepare the staff to be ready for their duties and active like unstoppable wheel of giving and teaching depending on what they learned and working as a team work and keeping in touch to stay updated in cooperation with Liikuttavaa.”

Tammam Albasha



”Tavoitteena mulla oli kehittää juoksussa tarvittavaa lihaskuntoa, lisätä arkeen liikuntaa ja erityisesti venyttelyä ja katsoa myös juoksutekniikkaa. Sain hyvät ohjeet, ja Juuson kanssa oli kiva liikkua ja kokeilla myös uusia lajeja ja liikuntapaikkoja. Tämä oli hyvä ensikokemus Pt-palvelusta, suosittelen!”

Tuija Tammelender

Koulunjohtaja/School Director

Etäkoulu Kulkuri

“I really enjoyed Ulla's coaching sessions. We had sessions which were surprisingly efficient in results. Ulla can drive the conversation to touch all topics needed in the session, her sharp questions prompt my thinking and revealed things about myself that I had not realised. She is very nice, which made me feel very comfortable and trust her. We did a Reiss Motivation profile with which I learned a lot about myself and helped me understand others around me. I also got small tips on everyday actions that helped me improve my approach towards work.”

Carolina Faria

Planet Centric Designer



Irakin Erbilin koulutuksessa olleitten osallistujien palautteet Ullalle.
